Teaching activities


During winter 2000 / 2001, five adventurers, Alain Hubert (Belgium), Andre George (Swiss), Daniel Mercier (France), Fabrizzio Zangrilli (USA) and Ralph Dujmovits (Germany), go, for the first time, to climb a granite wall of 900 meters top in the Antarctic. This adventure is the pretext to the development of teaching activities concerning four topics relating to this continent: ecology and environment; the adventure (the follow-up of expedition); scientific experiments; the treaty of the Antarctic.

This project is based on the concept of "Virtual Learning Community". Communication and information technologies allow a very broad co-operation. The project envisages not only collaboration with several tens of schools in Europe and in the world, but also with the adventurers themselves, with scientists from various institutions and with medias.

This project is support by European Schoolnet and the Netd@ys Europe.

The activities are designed for pupils between 8 to 14 years old.


The project results from a collaboration between Laurent Dubois who animates the network of schools and Pierre Dillenbourg, researcher in educational technologies at the University of Geneva.

Contact: ldubois@edunet.ch 



For the kids



Objectifs pédagogiques





With the assistance of the network teaching EduNet,  the primary school of Onex-Bosson,

 the OFES, the CTIEEuropean Schoolnet and Polar challenges.


Netd@ys 2000